For the Adherent of Pop Culture
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Welcome to! Here, geeks (forthwith known as "adherents") of pop culture can bask in the minutiae of their (well, my) favorite TV shows, movies, comic books, music, statuary, tapestries, and cosmic tripping. Well maybe not those last few, but who knows?

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Besides the ongoing studies already progressing, coming soon to PopApostle, Space: 1999!

"I'd buy that for a dollar!"

Most Recent Studies (click on the images to access)

Back to the Future: OUTATIME Transformers/Back to the Future (Part 1) Transfomers/Back to the Future (Part 2) Transfomers/Back to the Future (Part 3)
"OUTATIME" "Transformers/Back to the Future"
Part 1
"Transformers/Back to the Future"
Part 2
"Transformers/Back to the Future"
Part 3

Indiana Jones: Xomec's Raiders Indiana Jones: Amazon Death-Ride Indiana Jones: Blood and Sand Indiana Jones: Swords and Spikes
"Xomec's Raiders" "Amazon Death-Ride" "Blood and Sand" "Swords and Spikes"

UFO: Return of the Pharaoh UFO: Dig for Danger UFO: Operation Babylon UFO: Shadow Play
"Return of the Pharaoh" "Dig for Danger" "Operation Babylon" Shadow Play

Firefly/Serenity Firefly: Haven and Hell Firefly: Queen of the Night Firefly: 'Verses Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds - Year One
"Haven and Hell" "Queen of the Night" "'Verses" "Malcolm Reynolds - Year One"

Sapphire & Steel: Fairyland Sapphire & Steel: The Pied Piper Sapphire & Steel: The Albatross Sapphire & Steel: Rogue Robot
"Fairyland" "The Pied Piper" "The Albatross" "Rogue Robot"

The Expendables 4
The Expendables The Expendables 2 The Expendables 3 The Expendables 4

Jurassic World: Battle at Big Rock Jurassic World: Dominion Jurassic World: Off the Grid Jurassic World: The Yosemite Six
Battle at Big Rock Dominion Off the Grid The Yosemite Six