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Back to the Future

Episode Studies by Clayton Barr

Transfomers/Back to the Future (Part 3) "Transformers/Back to the Future" Part 3
Transformers/Back to the Future #3
Written by Cavan Scott
Art by Juan Samu
Colors by David Garcia Cruz and Candice Han
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Cover A by Juan Samu
November 2020


Doc Brown leads the resistance against the Decepticons in 2015.


Read the story summary at the Transformers Wiki


Notes from the Back to the Future chronology


This story takes place in an alternate universe from the mainstream Back to the Future universe depicted in the main PopApostle Back to the Future chronology. This is a Back to the Future/Transformers cross-over universe.


Didja Know?


Transformers/Back to the Future was a four-issue comic book mini-series published by IDW in 2020-2021.


Characters appearing or mentioned in this story



Biff Tannen



Scrapper (body only, deceased)

Bonecrusher (destroyed in this issue)

Long Haul


Megatron (mentioned only)

George McFly

Lorraine McFly

Doc Brown


Marty McFly



Rodimus Prime




Didja Notice?


Doc Brown uses a home-built alpha-wave ionic nullifier rifle to destroy Bonecrusher. It's implied that Doc is also the one who brought Scrapper to an end shortly before this issue's story opened.


On page 19, Skilz transforms from a common skateboard into a hoverboard.


When Marty hops onto Skilz in hoverboard mode to blitz the bad guys, he exclaims, "Ha! This is better than Wild Gunman!" Wild Gunman is a real world video game made by Nintendo and appeared in Back to the Future Part II.


The Decepticon called Watchtower is unique to the Transformers/Back to the Future timeline/universe. His alternate configuration is the Hill Valley Clock Tower. Watchtower is not explicitly named in the mini-series storyline, but is named in the "Personnel" page of Transformers/Back to the Future #4.


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