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Episode Studies by Clayton Barr

Star Trek: Rebirth "Rebirth"
(Star Trek)
0:00-11:30 on the DVD
Written by Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman
Directed by J.J. Abrams
Released in 2009


In the 23rd Century, the U.S.S. Kelvin encounters the newly arrived Narada.


Read the full Star Trek movie summary at Memory Alpha


Notes from the Star Trek Chronology


Because there are other stories in comics and novels that take place in between segments of the Star Trek movie, I've chosen to break the movie down into three segments in PopApostle's chronology, representing the time periods in which they occur: James Kirk's day of birth ("Rebirth"), Kirk's and Spock's childhoods and decisions to enter Starfleet Academy ("Parallels"), and the maiden voyage of the Enterprise ("The Vengeance of Nero"). I've titled this segment "Rebirth" because it marks the beginning of the Kelvin Timeline of the Star Trek universe under J.J. Abrams and features the birth of James T. Kirk in this altered timeline.


Didja Know?


George Kirk is portrayed by Chris Hemsworth, also known as Thor in Marvel's Avengers franchise of films.


Didja Notice?


The U.S.S. Kelvin is NCC-0514. According to the reference book Federation: The First 150 Years, the Kelvin is an Einstein-class vessel.


Doesn't it seem more than just a bit coincidental that the Narada's accidental trip through time just happens to land it in the immediate path of the Kelvin, aboard which is Winona Kirk, who is about to give birth to James T. Kirk at any moment, considering the Narada just finished an encounter with James Kirk's future best friend, Spock, in the 24th century (as related in "Countdown" Part 4)?


The red alert claxon on the Kelvin sounds similar to the one on the original Star Trek TV series.


Captain Robau tells the crew of the Narada that the current stardate is 2233.04. In the new stardate system used in the JJ-verse Star Trek, this makes the year 2233. Hence, James T. Kirk was born in that year, as depicted here; this is the same year he was born in the original timeline, but under different circumstances.


The blade Nero uses to kill Captain Robau is the Debrune teral'n, which he took from the Romulan ruling council in "Countdown" Part 3 after he killed them. 


James T. Kirk is born on medical shuttle 37 of the Kelvin.


Star Trek novelization Notes from the novelization of Star Trek by Alan Dean Foster
(The page numbers come from the 1st printing, paperback edition, published September 2010)
Pages 1-31 cover the events of "Rebirth"


Chapter 1 of the novel almost seems to imply that Spock and Kirk were born on the same day (though the director's commentary on the movie DVD says that Spock is older than Kirk.) The comic book adaptation depicts Spock birth three years earlier in 2230.


On pages 6-7, Captain Robau laments that the Kelvin doesn't have some of the newest technologies which are being worked on by Starfleet and he begins to think about a new ship currently under construction before his thoughts are interrupted by the matters at hand. Are we supposed to interpret this new ship as being the Enterprise? If so, that would mean the Enterprise was under construction for about 25 years because it doesn't launch on its maiden voyage until about 25 years after this in "The Vengeance of Nero". Maybe he is instead thinking of the Constitution, the protoype ship of the Constitution-class, of which the first Enterprise starship will be a member.


Page 7 reveals that the Kelvin's encounter with the Narada takes place just 1 light-year away from the Klingon Neutral Zone.


On page 9, the Kelvin's science officer makes a reference to a d'k tahg. This is the traditional Klingon warrior's knife used in numerous Star Trek stories, first appearing in Star Trek: The Search for Spock.


Page 16 suggests it's been 53 years since the Federation has had any contact from the Romulans.


Page 17 suggests that General Order Thirteen, which Captain Robau tells Commander Kirk to carry out if he (Robau) is not heard from within 15 minutes of boarding the Narada, is an order to set the ship to self-destruct and set it on auto pilot to a collision course with the enemy vessel. 


Star Trek Movie Adaptation #1 Notes from the comic book adaptation of Star Trek

Star Trek Movie Adaptation #1
Adaptation by Mike Johnson & Tim Jones
Pencils by David Messina
Inks by Gaetano Carlucci
Colors by Giovanna Niro
Letters by Robbie Robbins
Cover by David Messina
February 2010


The issue begins with a scene that was cut from the film, depicting Spock's birth on Vulcan on stardate 2230.06, three years before the loss of the U.S.S. Kelvin.


For some reason, the computer screen behind Captain Robau in panel 2 of page 5 seems to have alien text on it. It looks similar to characters from the Romulan language. It continues to be seen on the same screen on several subsequent pages. Possibly it was a communication from the Narada, which is a Romulan vessel from the future.


The shuttles seen evacuating from the Kelvin look much closer to the shuttlecraft of the original TV series than those that were seen in the film.


Memorable Dialog


you're Captain now, Mr. Kirk.wav

impact alert.wav

let's call him Jim.wav


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